
Indoor Bowls

Community Connections


Indoor Bowls is a social sport catering for all people's age and physical capability. We meet at 6.30pm every Monday night in the hall to start bowling at 7pm. We then round off the night with a light supper around 9pm.

If you would like to know more about us, please pop in on a Monday night to see for yourself.

More from 'Community Connections'

Worship Service


Sunday @ 9:00am

The apostle Paul described true WORSHIP perfectly. (Romans 12:1-2):

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercies, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

This passage contains all the elements of our worship.


We are motivated to worship by God’s mercies, (that is everything He has given us that we don’t deserve: eternal love, eternal grace, the Holy Spirit, everlasting peace, eternal joy, saving faith, comfort, strength, wisdom, hope, patience, kindness, honour, glory, righteousness, eternal life, forgiveness, justification, and much more.) The knowledge and understanding of these incredible gifts motivate us to pour forth praise and thanksgiving—in other words, worship!


We “present our bodies as living and holy sacrifice”. Presenting our bodies means giving God all of ourselves - our hearts, minds, hands, thoughts, attitudes.


There is only one way to renew our minds, and that is by the Word of God. God is the truth! To know the truth, to believe the truth, will naturally result in true spiritual worship.


Music can’t produce worship, although it certainly can produce emotion. Music is not the origin of worship, but it can be the expression of it. We look to music as simply an expression of that which is induced by a heart that is rapt by the mercies of God and obedient to His commands.


Jesus tells us that true worshipers will worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). This means we worship from the heart and the way God has designed. Worship can include praying, reading God's Word with an open heart, singing, participating in communion, and serving others. It is done properly when the heart and attitude of the person are in the right place.

Our worship is the acknowledgment of God and all His power and glory in everything we do. "The highest form of praise and worship is obedience to Him and His Word. To do this, we must know God; we cannot be ignorant of Him" (Acts 17:23).

Worship is to glorify and exalt God…..

to show our loyalty and admiration to our Father.

We would love YOU to come and join us!


Guadalcanal Partnership

Our congregation seeks to reach out in love to the people of the Beenleigh region and beyond. We recognise that Christ’s call to “love our neighbours” is not restricted to our immediate vicinity, but includes all people regionally, nationally and internationally.

In reaching out in love, we seek to engage in God’s work of justice and compassion right across the world.

In 2012, with the aid of UnitingWorld, we established a partnership with the Guadalcanal Circuit from the United Church of the Solomon Islands. This circuit is made up of a number of remote congregations on the island of Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands.

Some of the components this relationship have involved include;

- Hosting a key leader or married couple from the Guadalcanal Circuit by BRUC for a short period each year

- Groups from BRUC having short visits to the various villages of the Guadalcanal Circuit on an annual basis

- Relationship building with women through pen friend letter writing

- Providing financial support for Ministry Training in the Guadalcanal Circuit


Prayer Shawl Ministry

Not sure what to say in times of sadness or ill health?

"Shawls ... made for centuries universal and embracing,

symbolic of an inclusive, unconditionally loving, God.

They wrap, enfold, comfort, cover, give solace,

mother, hug, shelter and beautify.

Those who have received these shawls have been

uplifted and affirmed, as if given wings to

fly above their troubles..."

Written in 1998 by: Janet Severi Bristow Copyright ©2018

In 1998, Janet Severi Bristow and Victoria Galo, two graduates of the 1997 Women's Leadership Institute at The Hartford Seminary in Connecticut gave birth to a ministry as a result of their experience in this program of applied Feminist Spirituality.

Compassion and the love of knitting/crocheting have been combined into a prayerful ministry and spiritual practice which reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace, as well as in celebration and joy. Many blessings are prayed into every stitch.

The shawl maker begins with prayers and blessings for the recipient. The intentions are continued throughout the creation of the shawl. Upon completion, a final blessing is offered before the shawl is sent on its way. Some recipients have continued the kindness by making a shawl and passing it onto someone in need. Thus, the blessing ripples from person-to-person, with both the giver and receiver feeling the unconditional embrace of a sheltering, mothering God!

Some uses for the shawl...

The uses for the shawls are many; undergoing medical procedures; as a comfort after a loss or in times of stress; during bereavement; prayer or meditation; commitment or marriage ceremonies; birthing, nursing a baby; or just socializing.....there are endless possibilities!

Call the Church Office (07) 3807 5969 if you would like to discuss more in regards to this area of ministry.


Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast is a time of gathering for the men at BRUC, where they can gather together in fellowship with each other , as well as meet some interesting guests.

WE always have a guest speaker as well as a local speaker from the BRUC. The event starts at 7:00am with a very delicious breakfast cooked for us ( and we don't even have to do the dishes). After this, the speakers bring us some insightful memories from areas such as - their childhood, family, work- to name but a few. They speakers are for about 20 minutes and they are always interesting to listen to. We try to conclude by 9:00am.

Come and join us - the More the Merrier

Check out Events page for when the next Breakfast is on!



G@TRICKS meets every Tuesday 10:00 am - 1:30 pm in the hall.

Morning Tea is supplied but please bring your own lunch. A donation of $2 is greatly appreciated to cover the cost of morning tea.

If you would like to know more, please drop by one Tuesday morning.

Open to everyone.


A' La Card

A'La Card

DO YOU ENJOY ........ scrap booking....paper craft... card making...and all things craft related?

Come and join us - a welcoming space for women to chat and craft to their hearts content.

We meet in the hall every Friday night | 6:00pm - 9:00pm


Emergency Relief

Supported by our church family members, the Emergency Relief ministry is an approved distributor of state government funding, to assist those within our immediate community who may be experiencing a season of difficulty.

Our ER team are available by Appointment ONLY on Tuesday mornings, and are able to provide relief with food and fuel vouchers according to the needs of each individual and family. To make sure that the team are suitably prepared, please call 07 3807 5972 to arrange an appointment.

Tuesday mornings - by APPOINTMENT ONLY - call 07 3807 5972 or email


Table Tennis

Every Tuesday afternoon from 2pm-5pm. Come for the social side of the game or come for the competitive streak - all are welcome!
