


Service of Solace

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7:00 PM @ Beenleigh Region Uniting ChurchChristmas

It is always our prayer that there will be a sense of peace and of hope in our worship, especially through Advent and Christmas.

As each of us prepares for a time of coming together with our families at Christmas, many have found the Service of Solace a special time to pause, remember and give thanks for those who are no longer with us.

During the service, we would like to remember your loved one by name and to honour them by placing a handmade decoration with their name or photo on the Christmas tree in the church. If bringing a photo, please include your name and phone number on the back if you would like the photo returned.

The tree will remain in the church until after Christmas and will be in place during all of our services.

During the Service of Solace there will also be a time for you to light a candle in memory of love ones, should you wish to do so.

This is an open invitation to family and friends, and any others who you believe may benefit from coming along.

With prayers and greetings for the Christmas season.


Location Upcoming Dates



Start / End Time


Tuesday, 9 December, 2025

7:00 PM / 8:00 PM